N头条>英语词典>land up翻译和用法

land up

英 [lænd ʌp]

美 [lænd ʌp]

最终抵达; 最终落到(某种处境)


  • PHRASAL VERB 抵达;到达;最终落到(某种处境)
    If you say that youland upin a place or situation, you mean that you arrive there after a long journey or at the end of a long series of events.
    1. Half of those who went east seem to have landed up in southern India...
    2. We landed up at the Las Vegas at about 6.30.



  • finally be or do something
    1. He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart
    2. he wound up being unemployed and living at home again
    Synonym:finish upfetch upend upwind upfinish
  • block with earth, as after a landslide
      Synonym:earth up


    • Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they say unto you, Thou land devourest up men, and hast bereaved thy nations;
    • The Israelis worked their land close up to the border.
    • The probation officer had a warning for Bill: One more appearance in court and you could land up in prison.
    • My only concern is that you may have learnt to fake professionalism so well that you land up with a job that is too much for your abilities.
    • A4-year-old boy who released a balloon not long ago with a message hoping to find a pen pal in a foreign land ended up having a correspondence with the Queen.
    • He pulled out huge fossils of ancient animals from cliffs in Patagonia, and experienced an earthquake so powerful that it threw land up out of the sea.
    • As the air above the land warms up, the air pressure on land becomes lower, and a cool breeze blows in from the ocean.
    • A rebound relationship is one when you land up in a relationship right after coming out of another relationship.
    • Many smaller property developers have been squeezed out as the government has put ever larger lots of land up for auction.
    • To their breakfast, Englishmen often land up with toast and marmalade.